Friday, July 29, 2011

D is for Drums

Jonathan obviously helped out on this one :) Font used today is Memphis Extra Bold.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

C is for Cool Car

Aaaah, the Ford Fairlane. Probably should have done this as "F," but I think it fits right nice under "C." Font used today is Kewl Script.

B is for The Boss

Who doesn't love Bruce? We sure do. Font used today is Fenwick regular.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A is for Adler

Well, hello there, Stranger. it's been a while. Momma's been busy designing the nursery, going to doctor appointments, & getting prepared for the new addition to the family. I've decided to design a set of flash cards, more than likely for decor use only. The majority of the subject matter will be things Jonathan & I are interested in. Maybe one day we'll look back & laugh, or maybe one day Jett will use it as decor in his kids room. Who knows. But for now, it's just fun. Each day, I'll either illustrate a letter or object to use on the card, then at the end, I'll make one big poster. I'm not sure if my objects on the card will actually help a child learn the alphabet. I just want them to be pretty and significant. So without further ado, here's A for day one.

Jonathan Adler. Love his design. From the geometric patterns to the quirky sculptures and especially the color palettes. I think JA is deserving of the beginning of the alphabet flash cards. Font used today is Gotham Medium.

See you tomorrow for "B!" Ooooh, what's it gonna "be?" Hahahaha! (I failed to mention I have the sense of humor of an 80 year old woman since I've been pregnant). Thanks for stopping by! Sorry for my absence :)